Kundalini awakening

What is the kundalini energy?

The Kundalini energy is a sexual feminine life force energy that resides in the root & is awakened in order to deeply purify & cleanse your chakras from any dense energies or energy blockages. This energy gets awakened spontaneously during the ascension process or some kind of catalyst can cause this awakening to occur. Most of the time the Kundalini energy is awakened through contact with a twin flame. Not everyone who goes through the ascension process has to have a Kundalini awakening but many do & many will experience this awakening through an encounter with their twin flame. This type of energy is awakened based on your soul path & soul plan.

The Kundalini energy is a sacred life force energy that once awakened it continues to rise. It can not be shut off. Once awakened it will continue cleansing & clearing your chakras until completely purified. This energy can come on & off depending on your soul’s journey. Sometimes you will feel it awakened more than other times. This happens so that your body does not get over-whelmed & this cleansing will happen in layers.

Symptoms of kundalini awakening


  1. Body aches, body exhaustion, body weakness & feeling heavy

  2. Cramping, aches, stabbing in chakra centers

  3. For women cramping & aches in the lower chakras are common, this is a sign the sacral chakra is cleansing & purifying

  4. Heat in chakra centers & heat rising

  5. Cool sensations in chakras

  6. Muscle aches & muscle weakness

  7. Blissful sensations over the body

  8. Relaxation & ease after a deep purification

  9. Spontaneous orgasms as tension is released

  10. Anxiety sensations in chakras, nervousness & unease

  11. Intense head pressure, headaches & forehead pressure

  12. Sexual energies all over the body & in chakras

  13. Hair is thicker or hair loss

  14. Weight loss, weight gain

  15. Dark eye circles

  16. UTI & bladder issues


  1. Disorientation, dizziness & feeling out of sorts & confused

  2. No motivation to do anything

  3. Ego death is happening during this process so ego will be louder

  4. Psychosis, hearing voices etc. but this was not my experience but some can have this

  5. Old fears coming to the surface, old patterns & behaviours surfacing to be acknowledged

  6. Suicidal thoughts

  7. Depression, sadness & deep sorrow

  8. Anger, anger outbursts & rage

  9. Lack of sleep & insomnia


  1. A lot of different emotions coming to the surface for release along with pain in chakras associated with the emotion (see mental)

  2. Anxiety attacks, nervousness & unease

  3. Calmness & detachment

  4. Feeling euphoric, blissful & at ease

  5. Feeling on top of the world & at one with all


  1. Feeling out of body, disorientation & high feeling

  2. Feeling connected to your higher-self

  3. Seeing auras, colours or orbs

  4. Euphoria, unity & bliss

  5. Interconnection to all beings


  1. Nightmares & dreaming a lot

  2. Kundalini can cause a dark night of the soul (refer to my blog post on dark night of the soul)

  3. Loss of appetite or eating more, changes in diet

  4. Loss of interest in many old ways of being, jobs, hobbies etc.

  5. Needing to retreat & be alone

  6. Nausea


This is part of the kundalini healing process & it is very common for major physical symptoms to surface during the kundalini awakening.

Nervousness & Anxiety

The nervousness & anxiety that you may experience in all of your chakras or some is a sign of Kundalini energy becoming active. This is a very normal part of Kundalini awakening & it will be followed by pain or aches in chakras for the most part. However, a lot of the time this energy is clearing us on a deep soul level & it can be very intense.

The Kundalini breaks down any old patterns held in your energy body & any energy blocks which can bring up negative thoughts and a lot of anxious sensations in your energy centres. This is normal & part of this process. Just allow it to happen. However, knowing its the Kundalini & not something else will allow your mind to be at ease & just allow you to relax into these powerful sensations.

How to navigate the Kundalini energy

The Kundalini can bring up a lot of old feelings & emotions. It is there to breakdown the old energy structure in your body. It purifies your chakras & clears any karma. These old energies are so old & dense that a lot of emotional & physical pain can occur, especially physical. It can leave you in quite a lot of pain that can be excruciating as these old dense energies are released.

During this process listen to your body. It is important to help your physical body move this energy out. The Kundalini will bring up pent up emotions into your physical body & this is hard on the physical body causing aches & pains which is very common with a Kundalini awakening.

Ways you can help your body:

  1. Acupuncture - this is great for moving the energy, as the dense energy is brought up by the Kundalini this is helpful for the body to release it through acupuncture

  2. Heating pad - use a heating pad to help with any aches or cramping

  3. Baths - take baths in order to help your emotional body process

  4. Nature - get out in nature to ground & connect

  5. Mediation

  6. Rest

  7. Diet - sometimes diet changes are required, listen to your body

Twin flame & Kundalini

If you are on a twin flame journey, the Kundalini energy is the third energy that is created when your soul’s merge & interact in the 5D. Your Kundalini can get activated by just 5D interaction with your twin flame not necessarily in the 3D. This happens when your soul’s work together in the 5D to harmonize & balance each other. The Kundalini helps in this process, this is why it gets activated in order to help purify any blocks & dense energy in the connection. Once these blocks are cleared then the twins can merge on a deeper level. This is all part of the process of merging the energies back into one.

Benefits of Kundalini energy

The Kundalini energy is such a powerful life force energy that it has the ability to break through very dense & old stuck energies in order to purify the emotional, mental, physical & spiritual body back to our true-self. The Kundalini changes us forever, it truly is the most potent energy there is to shake up all the old stagnant dense energies & transform us into our authentic higher version of ourselves!

However, the Kundalini is one of the hardest energies to manage as it can truly be very difficult to cope with & these symptoms I mentioned above are only a percentage of the symptoms experienced by many. But it is worth the discomfort as the rewards are many!

The Kundalini busts through blocks, subconscious beliefs and stuck emotions that are holding you back or keeping you small & in old patterns. You will be able to align with love, bliss, acceptance, compassion, your higher-self & increase your vibration through this process. Be patient & be loving to yourself!

refer to “my experience with Kundalini” for more


Spiritual awakening & spiritual ascension


The dark night of the soul