6 module course to help you on your inner union process & to manifest harmonious sacred divine union

In this 6 module course get all the information you are seeking in order to navigate the twin flame journey to divine union.

This course is intended to give you an overview of all facets of this journey & how to actually come into inner union to manifest the physical harmonious relationship we have come here to have!

It covers all the critical phases of the connection & how to navigate them!

If you are on this path - then you are READY to shift into new earth, the new paradise & claim your divine union.

What are twin flames?

Twin flames are the exact same soul blueprint, they are also called genetic equals, a male-female gender pair that share one unified hierogamic consciousness body. The genetic equal partner holds the same original Krystal gene gender coding of the diamond sun silicate matrix.

The role of twin flames for the new earth is to repair their genetic code that has been damaged to then unify the two polarities & bring union back to the planet during the ascension cycle.

The twin flame is the path to rapid ascension & union with source. Twin flames are here on a mission to bring unconditional love on the planet & be part of the consciousness shift happening now!

Divine Union
One time

6 module course to help you on your inner union process & to manifest harmonious sacred divine union

✓ 3 hours of video content
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Comprehensive lessons
✓ Everything to fast track your process

This course will teach you:

  • what is the TRUE purpose of the twin flame connection

  • what the roles of each polarity is as well as their process during this journey

  • how to navigate the purging, purification & healing process

  • how to navigate the separation phase

  • how to navigate your ascension & spiritual awakening process

  • how to manage the dark night of the soul & shifting consciousness

  • how inner union happens & what it means to come into inner union

This course will help you:

  • shift your focus from the divine masculine back to your role & mission

  • understand how to achieve inner union with yourself to then manifest permanent physical union with your counterpart

  • navigate the painful separation phase & how to handle other energies in your connection

  • learn the most important aspects of the journey to fast track your process

  • shift from pain & suffering or being stuck in the ego to your heart chakra where we step into unconditional love & surrender

A glimpse into the course:


In this module you will learn about the purpose of the journey & connection. We will explore the bigger mission, how it is related to the current ascension cycle & shift into the new consciousness. You will gain a greater understanding of the significance of the journey & the time cycle we are in.


In this module we will explore the role & the process of both the divine masculine & divine feminine. You will gain perspective on what your role is & how to fulfill your part of the mission. You will also gain greater understanding about the law of polarity & how it works in this connection to balance the energies. Lastly, we cover the 6 stages of divine union.


In this module we dive deep into the detoxification, purging & purification process that happens on this path. We will study the lower 3 chakras & how to heal/balance them. You will learn about the kundalini awakening & the many body changes that happen while alchemically merging with your counterpart. Lastly, you will learn how to navigate the void & isolation phase.


In this module you will learn how to navigate the painful phase of separation & the bigger meaning. You will learn how to handle other soul connections or third party energies on this journey. You will learn what to do during the runner/chaser or disconnection & reconnection that happens before the two polarities reach union. Lastly, you will receive practical tools to detach from the divine masculine & focus on your mission.


In this module you will learn how to navigate the dark night of the soul or the shedding of the 3D identity to step into higher consciousnesses. You will learn the importance of ego death & how to navigate your life while shedding layers of your old identity & stepping into the New Earth or 5D consciousness.


The last module is about the ascension process into the heart, what it means to come into inner union & why this is a must to achieve external union. You will also learn how to balance the feminine & masculine energies within you so that they are able to unify. You will understand how the heart is activating during the ascension process to attain the alchemical marriage.

22 lessons:

Retake this course?
Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.

This journey is about ascending into your heart where we unify & end separation with source & our divine counterpart

Anastasia is here to share the union codes with you in order to help other twin flames come into inner union & anchor in physical union to end the eons of separation on this planet. Her work up to now has been coaching women & helping them align to their feminine energy.

She was strongly guided to share divine union knowledge after going through the process herself. Over the course of her own journey she studied & attended workshops on ascension mechanics, energetics, sacred sexuality, law of polarity & is going to share all her knowledge with you in this course.

This knowledge is important for your journey & holds codes to activate you to allow you to remember why you are going through this process.

In this course I share with you the codes to inner divine union

22 comprehensive lessons with 3 hours of material, that covers all the phases of the journey

Divine Union
One time

6 module course to help you on your inner union process & to manifest harmonious sacred divine union

✓ 3 hours of video content
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Comprehensive lessons
✓ Everything to fast track your process


What does this course cover?

This course covers all the essentials to the twin flame journey & much more. There are 6 modules that cover all the phases of this process.

How long is the course?

The course is 6 modules, 3 hours of video content. You can go at your own pace & come back anytime.

I am struggling & I am in pain, will this course help me?

This course is intended to give you an overview of the entire process & guide your journey. However, it is advised to seek additional therapy to work through major core wounds that are keeping you in pain. This course will highlight & teach you what you are experiencing to help you move through the uncomfortable pain. If you need additional support, please book a private session with me.

What is the benefit of taking this course?

If you enjoy my work on YouTube & Patreon then this course will provide much more detail & will cover all the stages of this journey. I share a lot of details to help activate you & allow you to remember why you are doing this journey. The codes I share in this course are a way to fast track anyone who needs to know the truth of the process & is seeking the missing puzzle pieces.