6 module program to become aligned to your feminine energy, passion & higher-self


In this 6 module program you will get ALL THE METHODS to align to your feminine energy, soul passion & higher-self. These methods I do not extensively share, therefore I wanted to create this course with the intention to share ALL the knowledge & methods that allowed me to step back into my feminine power, live my passion, reconnect with my higher-self & live a life in flow & ease.

My own personal healing journey has been about healing my deep traumas & wounds to step into my core energy & in alignment to my higher-self. I know how it feels like to live with deep feminine wounds & be disconnected from yourself repeating the same cycles in your life that are causing you to suffer.

This program combines EVERYTHING you need to know to change your lifestyle, heal & connect to your feminine with practical methods & tips.

It covers everything from subconscious rewiring, holistic wellness, secrets of feminine energetics, trauma healing & soul-led business to help you heal, evolve & connect to your feminine energy, step into passion & lead your life from your highest alignment.


  • Improve your emotional intelligence & relationships with others

  • Reveal the secrets of feminine energetics to manifest with ease & stop the hustle game

  • Heal feminine disempowerment blocks by focusing on nervous system, the shadow, sacral chakra & womb healing techniques

  • Help you understand yourself holistically: become aware of how your energetic body works, how your emotions work, to understand yourself on a spiritual, emotional, mental & physical level 

  • Rewire your blueprint that is currently keeping you suck

  • Correct energetic imbalances that could manifest as illness or disease

  • Help you align to a feminine lifestyle, create a soul-led business that allows you to live from your feminine attracting money effortlessly 

  • Help you understand how to create a solid container to attract & hold money 

  • Allow you to step from ego & into your feminine energy, align to higher-self & live in your highest alignment


  • to heal your wounds & traumas that are blocking you from aligning to your feminine energy

  • to activate abundance & rewire lack programming

  • to understand your core wounds, triggers, process emotions correctly to release them once & for good

  • to learn deeper about feminine energetics & how to use feminine energetics to manifest with ease

  • to heal your body holistically & reconnect with your body

  • to step from forcing & hustling into living a life in flow in your feminine

  • to learn how your nervous system works & how to rewire it back to safety & expand your current threshold

  • to change your lifestyle & shift from the old paradigm into the new in alignment to your feminine energy

  • to step into your passion & follow your higher-self into creating a soul-led business

  • to align to your higher-self & stop suffering in the ego


  • 6 comprehensive modules on all the methods & topics to get you ahead in aligning to your feminine power

  • over 4.5 hours of video content

  • recorded sacral chakra & womb energy healing session

  • step-by-step workbook to set up a soul-led business

  • 2 POWERFUL meditations to align to your feminine

The Feminine Alignment Method
One time

A 6 module course that teaches you how to align to your feminine energy, step into your passion & live from your higher-self.

✓ Over 4 hours of video content
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ 20 comprehensive lessons
✓ Workbook
✓ POWERFUL meditations & affirmations

Program highlights:

  • learn how to heal feminine disempowerment blocks

  • learn how to start a soul-led business that generates income so you can live in flow rather than grind

  • learn how to reconnect with body, rewire your DNA & stop the trauma cycles

  • learn how to attract & keep money in your vortex

  • learn how to lead from higher-self rather than suffering in the ego

6 Modules & 20 lessons:

  • Includes 3 lessons:

    In this module we reprogram old outdated & limiting belief systems that are running on auto pilot in your subconscious mind. You will learn ways to identify what is actually blocking you with helpful practices & tools for your healing process. We focus on rewiring your subconscious to receive abundance, let go of self-doubt, limiting beliefs & open your energy to receive.

  • Includes 3 lessons:

    In this module you will learn the power of your body & the connection it holds to your feminine energy & higher-self. I share with you holistic wellness tips that you need in order to truly align & embody your feminine & reconnect with yourself. We cover importance of detox, diet & wellness practices to reconnect with body & soul.

  • Includes 3 lessons:

    In this module find out about the power of feminine energetics & how to apply them in your own life. I share practical tips for you to start embodying your feminine energy & attract your desires & manifestations with ease. I share with you the power over force method I have been using for years that allowed me to access my feminine power & live in flow rather than force. Also, learn how to tap into the art of receiving & manifestation using feminine energetic laws & the power of flow.

  • Includes 4 lessons + energy healing session:

    In this module we focus on healing feminine wounds by focusing on nervous system, core wounds, shadow & sacral chakra/womb. Learn all about the power of your sacral chakra, how to heal your pain body, identify your core wounds holding you back & recode your nervous system.

  • Includes 4 lessons:

    This module is about entrepreneurship for woman, stepping into your passion & how to follow your higher-self into creating a soulful business. This module will teach you everything about actually stepping into creating your own business and shift from the old way of working & align to a softer feminine lifestyle.

  • Includes 3 lessons:

    In this module learn how to move from ego & fear into soul. Learn how to stop listening and living from your ego mind but rather step into alignment to your higher-self & identify between higher-self versus ego.

Retake this course?
Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.

This program covers the METHODS you need to align to your feminine energy, live from passion in alignment to your higher-self & attract effortlessly by using feminine energetics

Learn how to start living in YOUR HIGHEST ALIGNMENT, follow intuition rather than ego, find your passion, build a business & heal blocks holding you back

The Feminine Alignment Method
One time

A 6 module course that teaches you how to align to your feminine energy, step into your passion & live from your higher-self.

✓ Over 4 hours of video content
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ 20 comprehensive lessons
✓ Workbook
✓ POWERFUL meditations & affirmations


Anastasia is a leading expert in feminine energetics, trauma therapy & spiritual mechanics. She has healed & overcome her own feminine disempowerment blocks, healed her physical body & aligned to her higher-self & has helped thousands of other woman around the world to align to their feminine power. She is an entrepreneur with years of business experience & has successfully created a life of ease & flow using feminine energetics. She is a certified holistic medicine practitioner & has been working in the holistic healing space since 2020 helping woman heal using advanced 12th dimensional energy healing.




    I have been listening to Anastasia’s podcast for a while so I decided to make the investment in this program because I loved her knowledge. And I am so happy I did! This program is so valuable for any woman who want to truly understand their emotions, understand the laws of feminine energy and how to use them but also how to set up a soul led business to live from their passion making money. I definitely recommend it. It was all I was looking for, have not finished the whole program yet but it is truly amazing so far!

    Katie H

  • Kim S

  • Wow rewiring everything!

    This program is fantastic I did not expect it to be this powerful, but it is so far helping me a lot. I was having a hard time understanding my emotions and this helps me understand how to manage them and also work with my nervous system.

    Shavida K

  • Natalie

Sign up now to step into your feminine power, live from passion & reconnect with your higher-self!

The Feminine Alignment Method
One time

A 6 module course that teaches you how to align to your feminine energy, step into your passion & live from your higher-self.

✓ Over 4 hours of video content
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ 20 comprehensive lessons
✓ Workbook
✓ POWERFUL meditations & affirmations


  • This course includes 6 modules to teach you how to align to your feminine energy, soul passion & higher-self. It includes a workbook, meditations & affirmations as well as an energy healing session.

  • This course is for any woman who desires to align to her feminine energy, her passion, build a soul-led business & live from her higher-self. It is for those woman on a healing journey, spiritual journey or self-improvement journey desiring to understand themselves holistically, heal core wounds, activate abundance, process emotions correctly & learn about the power of feminine energetics.

  • No, this course is not a substitute for therapy or coaching. If you are struggling please seek additional help or book a coaching session to address specific concerns.

  • This course is for anyone wanting to up-level their life, who is willing to do the work necessary to heal & evolve. This course will help you understand feminine energy & how to connect with your own feminine power to change your lifestyle & follow your soul passion.