Sacral Chakra Healing

The sacral chakra is the feminine power centre and the most important chakra to work with in terms of healing and balancing especially for women. This chakra is the pain body which holds the feminine disempowerment wounds and the majority of the wounded feminine traits. In order to align to your divine feminine power, you need to work with unblocking the sacral chakra.

Why is the sacral chakra so important?

The sacral chakra has been long been out of balanced in our culture, and this caused an imbalance of the masculine and feminine energies on the planet.

Healing the sacral chakra is he first step to reclaiming your feminine power!

The sacral chakra is by far the most blocked chakra, this is because throughout the course of our planetary existence women have accrued certain wounds and most of them are stored in the sacral. This causes our feminine energies to be imbalanced and creates a more masculine driven culture. Therefore, women have been under their masculine energy rather than tapping into their feminine energies & living in alignment to their core feminine energy. All women should be living aligned to the feminine energy because that is their core energy, instead they are more in their masculine. Which has completely eroded the true feminine energy on the planet.

The whole chakra system is a brain, we have the mind which is the masculine part of our body and then the sacral chakra which is the feminine part or brain. However, because the feminine brain was blocked, women were taking on too much of their masculine energy. This caused an imbalance and created an over-powering masculine energy on the planet.

The balance of the masculine and feminine energy within is the most important part of attaining inner union & for ascension. This balance will create a wholeness and unity within as masculine & feminine unite. Healing your sacral chakra will also allow you to ascend into your true divine soul purpose & in alignment to your higher calling or mission. The lower chakras are linked to your lower station of identity or ego which keeps you trapped in the 3rd dimension of separation. Resolving all sacral chakra issues is essential to move into unity consciousness or attain divine union.

A balanced and healed Sacral Chakra aligns us to our Divine Feminine energy & power. This chakra is responsible for birthing our desires.

When the sacral chakra is out of balance or wounded then it can create certain blocks in our reality. It creates the wounded feminine which causes these issues:

  • Codependency

  • Over-emotional

  • Low self esteem, lack of self-love or confidence

  • Unhealthy attachments - this keeps us stagnant

  • Victim mentality

  • Detachment

  • Over-giving

  • Lack of creativity

  • Sexual issues

  • Lack of healthy boundaries

How to balance:

  1. HEAL - by releasing the emotions linked to the wounds

  2. Get more aligned to your soul - create a spiritual practice

  3. Work with a mentor that can help you overcome these issues

  4. Get more aligned to your feminine energy

  5. Start by observing your relationships, romantic, family & friends - what are they teaching you?

  6. Work with triggers

Once you are on a spiritual path you will natural start balancing and beginning to be guided to people that will help you



  1. Abandonment wounds coming up, feeling like no one wants you or loves you, past memories of abandonment surfacing, could be related to child-parent or romantic

  2. Heartbreak wounds surfacing, being cheated on or any kind of betrayal wounds

  3. Self-love & self-worth issues, over analyzing yourself, self comparing yourself to others, not feeling connected to yourself

  4. Jealousy showing up, feeling envy of others & comparing yourself & insecurity issues

  5. Codependency wounds showing up, feeling neediness, clingy & feeling attachments to certain people

  6. Depression, sadness & grief

  7. Feeling loneliness - related to abandonment

  8. Anxiety, panic attacks & anxious episodes

  9. Anger or anger outbursts

  10. Emotional rollercoaster, emotionally unbalanced, one minute you are feeling one way & then next you are processing another emotion

  11. Not feeling safe, safety wounds, instability wounds coming up


  1. Cramping & stabbing aches in naval area

  2. Bloating, bloating after eating or IBS symptoms

  3. General discomfort in the womb area & feeling dense

  4. Extremely painful periods & PMS symptoms heightened

  5. Feeling like you are coming on your period

  6. Itchiness around the naval

  7. Aches that penetrate the legs and around the lower chakras

  8. Feeling lighter in the womb once a lot of purging & cleansing happened

  9. Lower back pain

  10. Constipation

  11. Bladder infections or excessive excretion of feminine fluids (this is associated with womb chakra balancing which is linked to the sacral chakra)


  1. Mental imbalance - moody & mood swings

  2. Mental chatter, resurfacing of old memories associated with the emotions

  3. Many fears coming up especially surrounding stability & relationships


  1. Loss of appetite, changes in appetite or diet

  2. Sleep disturbances

  3. Changes in interests like jobs, hobbies & lifestyle

  4. Changes in relationships, leaving toxic relationship patterns

  5. Cannot stand certain energies any longer, once you heal much of your sacral chakra you will find you cannot be around lower energies any longer

  6. Sexually disempowered - Sexual issues surfacing or emotions around pleasure

  7. Isolation, wanting to be alone & retreating


  1. Feeling grounded, safe & stable

  2. Feeling emotionally stable

  3. No unhealthy attachments to people, places or things, no external validation needed

  4. Feeling safe to love & feeling safe to be in a relationship

  5. Confident, connected to self, high self-worth & self-love

  6. Sexually empowered - knows how to use the sexual energy

  7. Feeling more in tune with your feminine energy or in your feminine creative power, able to use your creativity

All these symptoms are based on my own personal experience. Not all symptoms are listed. Healing the sacral chakra is the first step to reclaiming your feminine power!


Much love & healing