
Over the years, I realized that spirituality is more than just meditating, yoga & the typical way spirituality is depicted in the mainstream, you don’t even have to meditate to be a very spiritual person. Meditation comes naturally once you enhance your spiritual health, work on your emotional, mental & physical body.

My experience with meditation

When I first attempted meditation I found it very difficult & did not know the significance of this practice or even how to do it correctly. Now after extensive healing & working on my vibration, meditation comes easy. My healing journey has lead me to all the spiritual practices I do today, including meditation & being out in nature everyday. Before this I had no connection to myself or my soul, therefore meditation was not on my agenda or something I could do. I remember going through intense anxiety at one point in my life, it was anxiety caused by the codependency wound, self-worth & attachment trauma. This anxiety would be pretty crippling & I even had to take medication. At the time, I was not a spiritual person at all, I denied that the spiritual world or that spirituality was real & I was very much stuck in my 3rd dimensional box.

But one day the anxiety got so bad that my mom suggested I try meditation & got me “How to Mediate” by Pema Chodron. I remember being super fascinated by it & by the author’s story. I did attempt it but it was difficult to stay centred & not allow the mind to wonder. It comforted me slightly but I did not continue the practice. Now several years later I began meditation on my own in order to balance & realign. It comes natural & I am able to stay in a meditative state without any mind chatter or distractions. My point is that meditation is not easy & certainly not something that can help anxiety or mental disorders, because the only way out of such things is healing the root cause. This is the only way to ease anxiety & other mental disorders which are all connected to emotional imbalances. However, meditation can help you understand your emotional issues more, but it will do very little to ease them from my own personal experience.

What is meditation?

Overall meditating is a practice that is easily achieved once your emotional body is somewhat healthy & balanced, as the emotional body is what causes the chatter in the mind. The two are very interconnected & meditation alone will do very little to ease anxiety or any other mind chatter.

Meditation allows you to connect with the inner peace within. It allows you to connect with your inner being — your soul/higher-self. It allows you to find balance, alignment & stillness. It is a practice that is done by sitting still & turning your attention inwards.

Meditation will allow you to connect with yourself on a deeper level. But it takes practice & commitment to your spiritual health. Like I said, meditation does not come easy & it will be natural once a lot of emotional healing has been achieved. This is why most people cannot mediate & the reason I couldn’t either at the beginning, or why it did not alleviate my anxiety issues. It is only once a lot of emotional blocks have been resolved that meditation becomes natural & rewarding. This is because healing opens up your connection to your soul. This doesn’t mean that meditation cannot be enjoyed or has no effects if you are not fully healed, it just means it will be a lot harder & less rewarding.

it is only once a lot of emotional blocks have been resolved that meditation becomes natural & rewarding

Meditation allows you to connect with the inner peace within

How meditation has helped me

I was able to use mediation to connect more to my soul & to stay aligned. I usually do it in the morning in nature which has been my routine for some time now, this really helps me stay aligned & balanced for the day. However, I was never able to reach this level of naturally getting into a meditative state until a lot of my healing happened which allowed me to connect more with my soul/higher-self.

How to meditate

You don’t have to sit crossed legged, in fact you can just sit comfortably in any position close your eyes & focus on your energy within your body specifically your heart chakra. Focus in & feel. This is very easy once you have done a lot of ego & emotional work. You don’t have to sit in a certain position to get the benefits of meditation, meditation is simply focusing on your inner energy & tuning everything external out.

Meditation on your healing journey

Once you start your healing or spiritual ascension, you will want to be alone more & start connecting to you soul. This is why meditation is a great tool to do just this & will become appealing to you. I personally love to do it in nature which has become a routine now & it is such a great way to help with any ascension or heavy symptoms — its very healing.

You don’t have to sit crossed legged, in fact you can just sit comfortably in any position close your eyes & focus on your energy within


Energy Protection


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