Activating Inner Union
Inner union is the restoration of your soul’s blueprint.
On the journey to union, we first have to align to our own inner union with our soul & god source. This is the alignment we come back to after clearing density, separation layers & karmic reversal energies. This alignment is a beautiful frequency of home, a bliss state of oneness with our soul & god.
This state is reached after you have healed your own inner energies and aligned to inner union, the zero point state of consciousness. This state is the alignment we are all shifting back to if you are on the twin flame or divine union path, this is the highest timeline that gets activated as we go through our ascension process.
This state of inner union is the merging of our inner masculine & feminine energies into unity, as we anchor into a neutral field. We come back to internal balance & peace.
Our natural state of alignment is our connection to our soul, this is our source. This is when you have anchored into your blueprint of your soul & everything starts to align for you. Your abundance activates, your soul purpose comes online & you start to live in a much higher reality, anchored into 5D consciousness or new earth. These new earth timelines are linked to your soul identity & you are collpasing time to align to these timelines.
The inner union is when you have fully activated your soul frequency & are aligned to these higher timelines of your soul.
Before we come into inner union, we must go through a clearing & restoration process of our divine soul frequency, we have to shed the layers that are unnatural to our soul vibration, heal internal imbalances, clear karmic or reversal energies & merge our inner masculine & feminine energy.
As you anchor into inner union, you will feel deep inner peace, anchored into the present moment, no more duality emotions or lower densities are ruling your emotional state, you feel deep connection to source & a permanent bliss state.
You will feel in divine flow, flowing with your soul & fully embodied in your divine feminine or divine masculine energy. You will feel a sense of completion & wholeness like never before, and the pain & density work will feel like it was worth it in the end, because you realize this is what true connection & true fulfilment is. The connection to your divine source gets restored & you are one again with your soul.
How inner union feels:
“I no longer need anything or expect anything, I am not in lack or fear. Everything already is one in this space. I have everything I need, abundance, love, peace & all is well. I am safe, I am home. I have everything in this space. I have my alignment. This is my highest alignment. My home frequency. My safe space. Nothing matters, nothing is missing. All is one, all is within me. I have everything here & now. This feeling of completion. This feeling of pure peace, love, bliss balance & harmony.”
With love,