Importance of a healthy morning routine

I believe a healthy morning routine is so beneficial for so many reasons, something I personally started doing & have seen incredible results. Firstly, I believe going out in nature everyday is so important. For me its a must to get balanced & energized for the day.

A morning routine that you love is great for:

  1. building self-discipline

  2. good for boosting your energy levels

  3. getting yourself into balance

  4. feeling happier

  5. connecting with your soul

  6. allow your energy to become stronger

  7. & much more!

When you start doing these simple things each morning, it can radically change your whole life. It can affect your mood, your energy & power to manifest & achieve your goals! I personally have implemented a healthy morning routine right when my feminine healing journey started & I really needed this routine to get through my emotions, but it also was so beneficial for my mental, physical & spiritual body.

I noticed I was able to process better my emotions & keep my energy more centred & balanced. I noticed that I was a lot more happier & my mood felt more stable after I went out in nature, usually for a run, walk & a meditation.

I also love having certain foods in the mornings, like chlorella or chlorophyll to get my body in an alkaline state. You can also have lemon water instead. When I am doing a detox I have celery juice. I also have a smoothie right after my walk or before depends on the day. Then before noon a light breakfast.

Another practice I love doing is journaling. Journalling has been life changing, I usually start my journalling right in the mornings. Then continue throughout the day. I would highly recommend this practice if you have not tried it already!

How I start my morning:

  1. A nature walk & meditation

2. I usually start with a matcha latte, then chlorypyll water or celery juice then head out for a walk. It depends on the season, in the summer I don’t eat a heavy breakfast. It all depends on how I feel

3. I like to have a smoothie before my walk or right after, usually the smoothie is with organic hemp protein powder, sometimes I make it with chlorella, you can find many recipes on my healthy recipes page :)

4. Then after my walk, I like to have a healthy breakfast

5. I do my journalling throughout the day & start it right in the morning, writing down my emotions as I go through the day :)

This is my journal that you can purchase here, this is the one I am currently using!


Essential foods for healthy hormone health for women


Detoxing, diet & purging toxins