How to get into flow


What is flow? Flow is being in alignment with your soul in order to be allowing & receiving everything naturally. 

Being in flow and surrendering is a tool that needs to be applied in everyday life. This is a feminine energy, which many of us have not been in touch with. Our ego has been controlling us for too long and this caused an imbalance in our energy field. During these tumultuous times on the planet we must get into flow, it is okay to not know your next move. It is okay to not always have an answer right away. Let go of the control & surrender and the answer will come in divine timing. Practice. 

The main point is to surrender and stop controlling. We have to detach from the ego in order to be more in flow. This requires some work but the benefits are great when we tap into just being in flow & in tune with our soul. In order to live a more balanced & fulfilled life we must get back into alignment with our soul.


Trust the universe/divine plan

Everyone has a soul path, and we are all guided by the divine if we allow the guidance to come in. In order to be in flow we have to trust - trust the divine & universe. Trust that we guided & protected on our journey. This is not easy at first but it is something you will start tapping into once you tap into your soul. 

Detach from the ego chatter 

This one is very important, we have to detach from what I call the “ego story.” The ego is always creating stories in your head that are based around fear. It will convince you of things that are not even true. We have to learn to detach from these stories, and start paying attention to when the ego is trying to control you through fear. 

Start a spiritual practice

Having a spiritual practice is important if you want to get back into your feminine energy & be in flow. This means applying spiritual tools in your daily life that can benefit you. It can also mean doing mediation, spending time alone, in nature & self-care in order to truly get back in touch with yourself. Once you tune out the external world, magic happens. Because the answers are all within you. 


Ascension symptoms


Energy Protection