Ascension symptoms


Currently we are in a very pivotal time on this planet where we are going through massive shifts in consciousness very quickly. We are ascending to unity consciousness or heart based consciousness which means we are leaving the old energies of the 3D world and rolling up our conscious awareness to higher more expanded levels on this earth.

Ascension symptoms are very normal part of ascending or expanding your frequency. This process is happening on an energetic & DNA level which impacts your physical body, emotional body, mental & spiritual. There are many ascension symptoms you might be experiencing as part of the shift or ascension. These symptoms are normal & many depending on your own individual journey & blueprint.

Physical symptoms:

  1. Tiredness, fatigue, exhaustion

  2. Unexplained pains in the body

  3. Lower back aches

  4. Achy hips or pain in the joints

  5. IBS or stomach issues - sacral chakra & solar plexus purging

  6. Heart palpitations or rapid heart beat, intense pressure in the chest as heart chakra expands

  7. Loss of appetite or eating more

  8. Feeling lightness in body or expanded states

  9. Chakra aches or pain

  10. Deep cellular rewiring of the DNA causing spiritual crisis

  11. Looking different or body changes because of DNA upgrades

  12. Detox symptoms as body releases old energy or toxins

Mental symptoms:

  1. Brain fog

  2. Confusion, out of sorts feeling, disorientation

  3. Feeling disconnected

  4. Bliss states

  5. Dizziness, lightheaded, memory loss

  6. Anxiety, panic attacks

  7. Loosing motivation or old interests

  8. Ego chatter or ego death

  9. Questioning your sanity, your process or psychosis

Emotional symptoms:

  1. Feeling void, empty or lost

  2. Sadness, confusion, depressive episodes

  3. Dark night of the soul experiences

  4. Deep trauma aspects surfacing for release

  5. Emotional rollercoaster - one minute you are happy, next you are down

  6. Deep emotional surges or triggers, old wounds surfacing

  7. Feeling connection or deep heart connection

  8. Feeling like you want to withdraw or isolate

  9. Dropping density or old emotions causing major void, confusion, deep emotional instability or loosing control

  10. Insomnia or needing to sleep longer

  11. Grief, anger, fear surges

Spiritual symptoms:

  1. Seeing auras or lights

  2. Telepathy

  3. Feeling connection to source & higher-self

  4. Spiritual gifts activate

  5. Heightened senses or perception

  6. Third eye openings

These are most of the ascension symptoms you might be facing on a daily basis as you are clearing old energy from your body & integrating higher consciousness awareness.

This process is not simple or easy, it requires dedication & commitment to your soul’s path. It also requires you to face your deepest fears or wounds. All timelines of your past-self or future identities are collapsing into the NOW. This means all timelines or other selfs are clearing through ascension & causing most of the above symptoms as a result. These symptoms are all indications of frequency or quantum shifts and higher chakra activation or chakra clearing. The lower chakras are being purified in order to ascend into the higher chakras which are the unity chakras where masculine & feminine unite so you can attain union with source.

Also, ascension symptoms vary depending on the stage of integration, for instance soul, monad, avatar or rishi layers. At each stage of soul layers integration, there is different symptoms involved and this also depends on biological age.

Note: kundalini symptoms are slightly different, so refer to my kundalini blog posts


DNA activation


How to get into flow