DNA activation

How is DNA impacted through ascension?

During the ascension process we are rapidly shifting & changing our DNA. We are activating higher strands & healing or repairing any energetic imbalances in the DNA. This is happening naturally during ascension & will cause different symptoms. The DNA activation process will be different for everyone depending on their soul blueprint & what stage of ascension they are at.

DNA is a holographic projector of our consciousness and even the unconscious parts of us are also being projected.

We are moving through a series of stages of repairing our personal DNA template by doing karmic or ancestral clearing to then embody more of our soul consciousness.

This process is not easy & requires a lot of shedding of the old structure in order to activate higher & build higher strands. The DNA is constantly shifting through ascension to become more silicate rather than carbon. This silicate matrix is building upon the lower strands for us to embody & hold more light therefore this is a cellular shift & change in the biology which we cannot avoid with ascension. This means the body is progressively shifting to a lighter less dense matter & eventually to become pure light as ascension continues. Most people believe that death of the human body is a natural process but it is not the original design of the human experience. As originally ascension was natural & part of our human experience which means the body progressively shifted in frequency to a lighter form rather than experiencing compaction, diseases or death.

The DNA is shifting back to original blueprints or organic structure & we are shedding any alien or forgein DNA in our personal blueprint which has corrupted the angelic human prototype, which was the original human. The DNA was corrupted or degraded through the many invasions on the planet through the dark history of the human race. Ascension is about removing all the false DNA codes (darker codes) in order to be able to go back to original timelines of our soul identity or soul path.

Many starseeds or indigo souls or oraphim souls are now embodied on earth carrying very advanced genetics or the original codes of humanity before they were corrupted.

These advanced souls have a task of clearing genetic lines & reinstating the original organic templates for humanity during the ascension cycle. Nothing can stop this mission or the mission of returning the organic timelines of union with source on this planet.

All is restoring to organic timelines during the ascension cycle as the 3D is being restructured internally and externally. The lower 3 chakras are being restructured and shifted on a DNA level for each ascending human in order to elevate to unity consciousness or to the heart chakra corresponds to the soul & over soul layers.

If this topic is interesting please take my “Acension Back to Health” course for a lot more of this information.


Kundalini syndrome


Ascension symptoms