Importance of alkaline & ph balance

Through my own journey of food, I have discovered the importance of ph balance. The ph of your body is very important to maintain in order to keep it in a healing state. Naturally our bodies are alkaline, on a scale it is around a 7.3. However, our diet can throw off the balance and cause us to be too acidic. Therefore, it is beneficial to avoid certain foods altogether for that reason.

The ph of food that you eat should be on the alkaline side (above 7.3), because our bodies are most healthy & balanced in its natural ph which is alkaline. This is why we get sick very easily because our bodies are not in their optimal ph to deal with illness. Our bodies can naturally regenerate themselves & fight disease but that can only happen when they are balanced & this means at the right ph level. There are other factors at play when it comes to fighting disease & illness but a lot of it comes from diet. However, I am a big advocator for the 4 bodies to be fully balanced for optimal health - mental, emotional, physical & spiritual. Diet plays a big role in our physical body, but we also have to consider the other 3 areas when it comes to health.

How to include more alkaline in your diet:


Water is the first element to consider changing, make sure you are drinking pure water with a ph of at least 7.3 with zero fluoride content. Fluoride is very detrimental for your health & needs to be avoided not just in water but in all ingredients. Make sure you check out pineal detox for more on this & how to detox from fluoride!

Fruits & vegetables

Eating a lot of green fruits & vegetables will enable your body to remain in an alkaline state which is very important!

Lemon water

Lemon water is great for the mornings. This is something I’ve learned from “Cleanse To Heal” book by Medical Medium. I recommend this for anyone who wants a diet regime to get your body back into balance

In the morning as soon as you wake up have some lemon water (16 ounces) to put your body into an alkaline state. Then follow by celery juice, this is from “Cleanse To Heal”

Avoiding certain foods or minimizing them can help you restore balance & heal yourself.


Alcohol, dairy, soda drinks & tap water as these are all acidic


Intuitive eating style


Matcha over coffee